A Message About Tolerance

Dear Friends,

An important part of our work at the Sibling Support Project is promoting awareness of the challenges and opportunities experienced by siblings of people with special developmental, health, and mental health concerns.

One of the things we talk about when we discuss opportunities is tolerance. Siblings tend to meet people where they are, and to naturally welcome difference with openness and a genuine desire to connect and learn more.

Too many siblings know what it feels like when others are not tolerant of difference, and marginalize, de-value, and dismiss their brothers and sisters with disabilities.

There is lots of room for difference in the sibling community. However, there is absolutely no space for racism, hatred, or violence. This is where our tolerance ends.

We are devastated and enraged by the recent murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, and by the countless other Black lives lost to police brutality, social injustice, and economic disparity. Our hearts and condolences go out to their families, loved ones, and communities.

We are deeply saddened by the desperate unrest of our nation, and by our civic failure to recognize, respect and respond to the need for greater accountability, equity, and justice for people of color and all those who are marginalized and oppressed by structural racism and discrimination.

We therefore stand in solidarity with people of color, particularly brothers, sisters and families in the Black community, and all others who speak out against the ignorance; fear; systemic, institutional, and individual racism; power imbalance and abuse; and blatant disregard for human life that have plagued our nation for too long.

Our community of siblings and people who care about sibs is dynamic, vibrant, and strong because of the diversity of our members. We are poised not only to speak out, but to listen, learn and grow.

We recognize our responsibility, as people who work with and care about people, and as human beings, for all of us to engage in learning and discussions that may be uncomfortable, and which may expose our vulnerabilities and limitations, to reach new levels of understanding and possibilities for rebuilding and healing.

Anti-Racism Resources

There are many good resources being shared now to help adults and children better understand racism and the roles we may play, intentionally or not, in sustaining it.

Here are a few that we hope are helpful to our community in ensuring that Sibshops and all our efforts to support siblings are safe spaces for everyone, especially adults and children of color.

We invite you to check them out, and to stand with us in hope that it is finally time for real change that we will all create together.


Emily Holl, Director

Link to anti-racist resources https://siblingsupport.org/anti-racism-resources-for-children-and-adults/

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Sibshops Facilitators

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